Saturday, May 30, 2015

How to Disguise a Jowl

Skin loses its elasticity as people get older, and the muscles under the skin also tend to sag with age. This can cause unsightly jowls to form at the jawline. Disguising a jowl with make-up alone is impossible, but resorting to surgery is a drastic, expensive measure that may not even work very well and carries inherent risks. There are other tactics you can use to disguise a jowl, however. Launch a multipronged attack on your facial sagging using non-invasive and healthy methods and you may be pleasantly surprised at the results.



    Exercise the facial muscles responsible for your sagging jawline. A regular facial exercise routine can reap wonders over even relatively short periods of time. You can start to notice a difference in just three weeks. Pull both sides of your mouth downward so that you are making a "fish face." Hold this facial expression for 5 to 6 seconds. Repeat 10 to 20 times every day. Also, repeatedly tilt your head back and jut your chin out. Do 10 to 20 repetitions of this move every day. Other exercises that can help include repetitions of an exaggerated kissing motion. Pucker your lips and extend them forward each time. Repeat throughout the day whenever you have a private moment. Talking and gum chewing are also beneficial to the jawline muscles.


    Take care of your skin so that it remains as supple and elastic as possible. Commercial moisturizers and other skin care products may be helpful. A homemade treatment that you can use to nourish your skin is a mixture of vitamin E and mashed-up banana. Add a dash of lemon juice to the mix if your skin is oily. After your routine facial exercises, massage this mixture onto your face, avoiding the eye area. Leave it on for 20 minutes, then rinse it off. Dry your face with a towel.


    Use a large, soft brush to apply a subtle layer of bronzing powder underneath your chin when you apply your make-up. Brush some down your neck too. This make-up trick will help to reduce the appearance of jowls and double chins.


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