Sunday, December 28, 2014

How to Get Rid of Wrinkles, Furrows and Thickened Skin

Skincare gets more complicated as you get older. Your body, pumped full of hormones in your twenties, begins to age from the moment that you hit your thirties. The best way to avoid a wrinkled face is to develop a preventative skincare regime as early as possible, by wearing sunscreen, avoiding prolongued exposure to the sun's rays, and avoiding smoking and excessive drinking. If you find that you are developing wrinkles, there are a number of steps which you can take to prevent the formation of lines and furrows, decrease current pockmarks and wrinkles, and disguise uneven skin tone.


Preventing the formation of wrinkled skin.


    Stop smoking. Smoking causes an inordinate amount of damage to the skin, because it inhibits collagen production and narrows the blood vessels. Essentially, this means that smokers age much more quickly than non-smokers because their skin does not receive an adequate supply of the essential nutrients it requires. Smoking does not only encourage the appearance of lines on the face, but also on other areas of the body, such as the underarms. The damage is not reversible, but may be prevented from worsening if you abstain from smoking


    Wear sunscreen. If you repeatedly expose your face to ultraviolet rays for sustained periods of time, your skin will undergo extensive damage. Skin damage of this nature is referred to as 'photo-aging'. The skin gradually loses its ability to repair itself, and slows its production of elastin. Simply wearing a moisturiser containing a sunscreen on a daily basis will prevent aging.


    Reduce your alcohol intake. Alcohol dehydrates you, interferes with the body's capacity to absorb nutrients, and, due to its damaging effect upon the liver, indirectly worsens the condition of the skin.

Tackling wrinkles.


    Invest in a decent Exfoliator. Your skin is made up of multiple layers of living tissue; these layers are regularly renewed and reformed as the skin produces new tissue to replace the old. The cycle is regenerative, with the bottom layer made up of a delicate layer of new skin cells, and the top layer of the skin composed of dead skin. Exfoliating sloughs off the dead skin cells, encouraging the formation of new skin to replace it. The new skin formation helps to repair damaged skin cells, and with each new layer the skin's surface regenerates.


    Drink lots of water. Your skin needs to stay hydrated, and water also helps to flush out toxins from the body. Hydrated skin is plumper and the wrinkles will seem less defined.


    Eat healthily. The best way to prevent wrinkles from getting worse is to keep yourself healthy. Try to eat a balanced diet which is rich in foods which the body needs to feed the skin. Look out for foods which contain Vitamins A (found in milk, carrots and sweet potato) and E (almonds and vegetable oils), and the minerals Iron (found in beef and pulses) and Zinc (oysters and soybeans).

Managing the appearance of wrinkles.


    Avoid strong soaps. Many soaps contain ingredients which strip the skin of surface oils, drying out the surface and removing its protective barrier against the effects of the sun and pollution. Try to use a gentle soap to avoid worsening your skin condition.


    Buy a wrinkle cream. Research by the cosmetics industry has discovered that skin creams containing Alfa and Beta Hydroxy Acids are an excellent way to combat wrinkled skin. There is no need to throw alot of money at a skin cream; most carry out the exact same function, using the exact same ingredients. Hyaluronic Acid has also been shown to have an effect, but they all act in the same way: by encouraging an accelerated performance of the skin's natural regenerative process to take place.


    Look for a decent foundation. Unfortunately, a cure for the aging process has yet to be found. In lieu of a cure-all remedy, however, there are lots of good products on the market which will plump skin, fill out furrows and cover up unsightly blemishes and uneven patches of skin.

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